Thursday, November 6, 2008

Technology and the Presidential Election of 2008

I think this article, Campaigns in a Web 2.0 World, by David Carr in the New York Times, was trying to show how technology has changed over the years and how the 2 presidential candidates used it. In the older days, people were using technological inventions like the radio. Technology was a huge way that people around the country was able to follow what’s going on and who’s saying what in the election. Obama and McCain have been using technology throughout the whole time they have been running for presidency. Some people can’t see what is happening on TV so instead they can go watch it on the web on sites like Youtube. You Tube is a new site that came to be in 2004. It is ran by With You Tube you can see videos about anything you can thing of. On TV, the channels to see these debates between Obama and McCain are on NBC, ABC, and CNN. Tina Fey did impressions of who would have been the vice president of the Republican Party, Sarah Palin. The web has been a great source of information in these past couple months. On You Tube, things on the Presidential Election have been seen by thousands of people and in some cases by millions. The internet has proven to be one of the best reliable sources of information.
I think this article is a great way of explaining how important technology and the web affect our everyday lives. If we did not have the web, people would not and could not possibly stay up-to-date with all that’s going on.

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